Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Party Update... as promised

My mother's 60th surprise birthday party was a smashing success. Somehow all of the stressful days of planning and bickering with my sisters resulted in a great party for my mother. She was beyond happy. However, now that the party is over, I'm left to ponder the following:
  • Why does party planning stress me out so much? I became overly consumed with all of the party planning arrangements. Even though I was only responsible for creating and sending out the party invitations, creating the photo slide presentation, and creating the party programs, I felt the need to check up on EVERYTHING. I had to get involved with everything from the party location to the birthday cake to the caterer to arranging the bi weekly party progress conference calls between my sisters and dad (and yes, they were all properly sick of me). Oh, and did I mention the mini meltdown I had when I learned that the party location we put on the party invitations was too small and we were left scrambling for a new location (thanks NCCU for the use of your lounge with 1 week's notice). Or what about the major meltdown I had when I found out one day before the party that my boyfriend (who had volunteered to be the DJ) was having problems with the music. Guess what? EVERYTHING WAS FINE!!! I quite literally thought at some point over the past 2 weeks that I was going to have a heart attack...I think I have a problem.
  • Never assume that people will not be willing to drive a long distance to attend a 60th birthday party for a friend. I invited members of my dad's family and a couple of my mother's friends to the party, thinking that they would not come because of the 5 to 6-hour drive (they live in Maryland and the party was in North Carolina), but wanting them to know about the party anyway. I did not invite my mother's retirement buddies who she lunches with monthly, her beautician who she sees weekly, or her card party buddies who she plays cards with bi monthly. However, when I received RSVPs from my aunt (dad's sister) and her family and my mother's friends saying they would be coming to the party, I instantly felt guilty that I hadn't invited the other folks. Now I'm waiting for the fall out of that decision as word of the party starts to get around.
  • Why does the caterer provide food for 120 folks when you ordered enough for 60 folks? After the party, we were left with a pan and a half of banana pudding, one whole pan full of fried chicken, a pan of macaroni and cheese, a pan of string beans, and a pan and a half of yams. Lucky for us my sister is close with the NCCU football team. Maybe they won't mind eating leftovers. ;-)
  • Why is that no matter how good the music is (and it was good), people don't like to dance? I've noticed this at family weddings too. So sad...
  • Kids will always find a way to entertain themselves away from the adults. I left the party briefly to visit the ladie's room and on my way saw all the kids from the party playing in the hall way. It reminded me of how I did the same thing when I was a kid.
  • When did 60 start looking so young? Mom may be 60, but she sure doesn't look it. I hope to be so lucky.


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