Friday, January 05, 2007

Wow! I've been discovered

In one day I've probably received at most 12 visits to my blog (and most of them are me!). Any other visits are most likely from a couple of family members, a few friends, and some friends of friends. Not much interest but, hey, I'm cool with that.

I decide to add my blog to this week and I get a little more traffic. I think, "Oh, that's nice." But TODAY, I go to check Site Meter and I'm like: "Whaaa?" I've received 74 visits today. (That's, by far, a record for me.)

Anyway, I'm wondering how this happened, so I check to see where all the traffic is coming from and it appears that my blog received a mention on DCBlogs Noted (right on the home page).


Thanks, good folks at and thanks to you visitors for visiting my little ole site. You've made my day.



Blogger honeykbee said...

Congrats on the traffic surge! I'll be back...

9:17 PM  
Blogger Beakerz said...

i mean nothing negative by this, but females have a much higher traffic rate by definition.

But your writing is what brings em back after that inital serge. I'm sure you'll do great.


10:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mo problems! ROFL!

CONGRATS CHICA!!!!!!!!!!!!! Get down girl go head git down!

12:18 AM  
Blogger Anand said...

Congrats...I would suggest one more thing to sustain the traffic..keep writing everyday.., get 'blogrolled' and exchange links..

I used to get something like 8 visitors per day till six months back..Now it is like 115 odd..

9:00 AM  

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