Thursday, June 15, 2006

He's checking me out!

Question: What would you do if a cute guy saw you in traffic, maneuvered his car through two lanes of traffic to sidle up next to you, expressed an interest in talking by showing you his cell phone, and then followed you for 30 minutes in rush hour traffic (still trying to get your attention) when you didn't return his interest?

I don't like flirting while driving, particularly when I have no business flirting with a boyfriend at home. But I'm wondering what YOU would do.

Inquiring minds want to know...


Blogger TNDRHRT said...

LOL! If I wasn't interested, I would probably try to divert him from following me by weaving in and out of traffic, too. However, if I was interested, I would probably signal him to drive to a parking lot or somewhere that's very busy with a lot of traffic flow and get and receive the digits. :-)

6:41 PM  
Blogger Tiffanie said...

CALLED 911. He's a stalker! LOL

11:46 AM  

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