Friday, October 12, 2007

Who pays for YOUR beauty maintenance? Him or you?

I've been an independent woman all of my adult life. When I need to get my hair done, nails manicured and pedicured, back massaged, etc., etc., etc., I've always managed to take care of these things myself. I've never had a sugar daddy (nor have I ever needed or wanted one) and never have I felt like I needed to rely on a man to take care of my personal maintenance, but that's just me. However, recently, I had a discussion with one of my coworkers, and learned that it was not only expected but a requirement in her relationship that her man (her fiance) pay for her weekly hair and beauty maintenance. Hmmm...

I thought this was an urban legend, because I have heard of women like this, but I've never really met one who practices this with her man on a regular. I'm confused. This woman goes up to her man every week with her hand out looking for money, when she takes her grown behind to work every day to earn a dollar just like he does. Now, yes, he earns more money than her, but a baller, he's not. She insists that he pay for her upkeep because she's looking good for him. But I must ask, can't she pay for these things herself and still look good for him? I don't know. It just doesn't seem right to me.

I could see this as a nice treat every now and then, but an every week requirement! Shiiiiit, first of all I can't see sitting in anyone's salon for hours on end, let alone for hours on end every week. And I'm damn sure not going to be in the position of getting bent out of shape when my man tells me that he doesn't feel like paying for MY HAIR this week... that was how the convo with my coworker got started. I'm just saying.... that's just me. Shiiiit, I'll pay for my own damn hair. Hell, it's mine!

Anyway, what say you? Do you pay, or does he? Do you agree with me, or do I need to start hitting up my man for hair money??? (Ha... yeah, right.)

P.S. For real tho, if my man was caked up like the dude in this picture, I might be persuaded to change my argument.

P.S.S. Hmm... nevermind. Upon further inspection, I see he's holding a big stack of ones. He's gonna have to do better than that... ;-)


Blogger TNDRHRT said...

Since there is no 'him', I pay. Now if I was in a relationship and he OFFERED, I wouldn't refuse. I would never ask a guy to pay for my beauty upkeep, though.

1:49 PM  
Blogger CreoleInDC said...

I've never had that either. LOL! But then the time we were engaged his money was OUR money so does that count? :)

10:44 PM  

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